Thursday, September 27, 2007
  Law Of Attraction Hypnosis - The Art of Getting What You Want

Imagine having what you want, when you want it, is it really possible? Does the law of attraction and hypnosis can really do that?

Now days everyone have heard of hypnosis, for some their experience of hypnosis is simply a performance they have seen on stage where people are brought up and hypnotized.

The other form of hypnotism that you probably have heard of is in the psychological front. Hypnotism is used in various situations. Whether it is to help people remember details of crimes or to help patients get rid of their addictions or fears, hypnosis is used in many forms for many reasons.

Law Of Attraction Hypnosis What is it?

The process is the following, the law of attraction hypnosis simply puts together two of the most powerful techniques to get what you want out of life. In other words, the law of attraction hypnosis is a simple way to manifest your dreams and desire into reality.

If you have watched the Secret or any other training material about the law of attraction you know that if you focus on a goal, it can be achieved. This technique has been used by professional athletes around the world. The important part of this process is to apply positive energy around this pictured goal. Basically the idea is to attract the desired outcome to you, if you really want it, then it will come to you. This technique has been criticized by many who doubt the effectiveness of this process.

If we talk about the law of attraction hypnosis, we will take this process a little bit further. The process is the same but using hypnosis help define the pictured goal. The other difference is that the law of attraction hypnosis is not only used to reinforce the goals set in your mind but also to eliminate various patterns in your mind that could prevent you from achieving your desired results.

You see everybody wants to be successful but not everybody is ready for it. Sound weird I know but let me explain. By using the law of attraction hypnosis patient are placed in a very relaxing state that will allow them to explore and discover why they are blocking success from their lives. This could be because of different events in their childhood or other events in their past. With the power of the law of attraction hypnosis any voices of doubt in your head can be removed easily.

The law of attraction hypnosis gives you the power to achieve your goals and dreams. This simple technique helps you keep you goal in mind but most important helps you keep away the negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are probably your worst enemy when trying to reach your goal.

If you liked this article about the law of attraction hypnosis, visit my website for more information about hypnosis and its applications. We offer reviews of the best Learning Hypnosis Material available online. We can help you Learn Self Hypnosis.

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  Parental Rights in Children's Medical Care: Parents, Do You Dare Say No to Doctors?

What's a more frightening nightmare for parents than their children's illness? It is the fear of losing custody of their children.

In America, parents risk losing custody of their children forever when they disagree with doctors' recommended treatments or even when they want a second opinion.

That's what happened to the Werneckes in Texas in 2005, Corissa Mueller in 2002, Pam Anderson in 2000, Tina Phifer in 1997, and a slew of other parents and children who have been victimized throughout American history. My mother Juliet Cheng was one parent whose child was forcefully and wrongly taken away by Child Protective Services over treatment disputes--not only once, but twice. The first time happened when I was twenty-two months old because my mother requested the doctor to stop giving me aspirin, which was worsening my condition and causing severe side effects. The second custody case occurred when I was seven years old after she had wisely chosen not to follow a doctor's plan to operate on six of my joints at once during the time when I had no medication to control my inflammation.

Fortunately, she won me back both times so I did not receive the unnecessary, harmful treatments that would send me to my grave.

The last custody case in 1990 made international headlines. My mother appeared on CBS This Morning with Paula Zahn, and the news was reported on CNN, in New York Times, Newsweek, Washington Post, among many other major media outlets. She gained worldwide support, including from celebrities like Connie Chung and Katharine Hepburn.

When I was seven, I did not have a voice. Now, fifteen years later, I am here to speak for every parent and child because everyone is a potential victim to this injustice when the child falls ill--including your own child or grandchild. I am here to help today's loving parents protect and keep custody of their children.

It is a crime when doctors force unwanted or harmful treatments on children, and it is a violation against humanity when the state tears loving parents and children apart.

The American government needs to deal with each case according to its unique needs, instead of acting upon the same plan for every case. Just because a loving parent who only wants the best for their child disagreed with a medically recommended treatment does not mean their child should be torn away from them. In this democratic land of independence, the medical laws are extremely out of place.

America will be better if it gives freedom to devoted, competent parents. The average parent wants the best for their child. We, the patients in our own bodies and caregivers who have cared for the patients for years, know what is best for us, better than any doctor or nurse.

So, what is the question here regarding the parental rights issue? Is it who loves the children the most or is it who knows what's the best for the children? I believe that question could only be answered by God. God created us, so He must know what's the best for each and every one of us, but He gives us free will and the rights to care for ourselves on our own.

But instead, our own people took away our rights, snatching children away from parents--their primary source of love and care--in order to do what's "best" for the children.

Can't we decide what's best for ourselves?

Where is our freedom to say no?

Shirley Cheng (b. 1983), A.K.A. the modern day Helen Keller, is a blind and physically disabled author and poet of three books by age twenty. She advocates parental rights in children's medical care and students with special needs. "When doctors ask yes or no, parents should have the right to say no," says Shirley. http://www.shirleycheng.com

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